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The exhibition, designed by Hadid herself, currently comprising two gallery spaces and covering 1000 square meters.
The installation of the exhibition is an integral part of the show. The fluid space is interrupted by large asymmetric curved panels which rise from the floor or descend from the ceiling, overlap, diverge, cross each other, and articulate a labyrinthine space. Within this layout the spectator will admire drawings, paintings, scale models of architectural projects, videos, books, areas for multimedia displays, costumes for theatre, objects and furniture.

Hadid stated in an interview:
"I give life to a space in many different ways, offering to the public a place for leisure and pleasure, for comfort and well-being, feelings usually experienced in a landscape setting. The idea is to provide public spaces potentially able to give pleasure."



Bibliografia Opere e progetti L'allestimento di Zaha Hadid Il senso generale Il percorso Architettura Design Arte e spettacolo Il progetto e il contesto Gli spazi espositivi La programmazione culturale Il Museo nazionale